Hi. Using Debian 2.0, 2.0.34 with X
I have a couple of minor problems with text displayed by some X applications. For instance, the xlock (xlockmore) program displays a small window and some text if you move the mouse or hit a key without entering the password. This text should be white on the currently displayed background color. However, what appears to be happening is that the text is displayed in the proper text color (white) but on a white background so what is actually displayed are several white bars on the black background where there should be text. The same occurs with xcoral in the 'help', 'manual' or other windows. With xcoral, I am able to change the foreground and background text colors to be readable, but regardless of what the normal background color is set to, all of the text is displayed on a white background. Same thing with xemacs20. Text background is white and can't seem to change it. I don't think this is an application specific problem but an X default setting that needs to be changed or text background specific setting that needs to be adjusted . I have been through a lot of documentation and config files but have been unable to find the solution. Any suggestions on fixing this item? thanks, ------- tony mollica [EMAIL PROTECTED]