> From: Wojciech Zabolotny
> I thought, that the main goal of GPL license is to give a warranty that
> the source of the software and derived works will be ALWAYS freely
> available.
> I can't see such warranty in the libdb2 license :-(.
> I hope I'm wrong.

You cannot see such warranty even in the GPL.
The owner of the copyright has always the right to change the license.
That's why the FSF says that if you want to insure that _all_future_ version
of a product will be free you have to pass the copyright to the FSF.

License apply only to the current version of the product, not to a future

Therefore, you're original statement that libdb2 is not *enough* free, just
because the owner of the copyright wants to sell its product also under
other licenses (as he is already doing), does not apply.


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