On Sat, Nov 07, 1998 at 07:57:50PM +0000, Kevin Grant wrote:
> want to credit the author).  A new, extended M$ HTML standard will not
> only be incompatible with the old HTML stuff (forcing everyone to upgrade
> to the propriatary M$ standard) but it will become popular largely because
> it will have a lot of new, neat special effects that the www community
> likes.  All M$ has to do is supply a browser that supports it and everyone
> will feel safe in using the new standard (knowing everyone will be able
> to read the new style web pages).  But remember that the Debian development
> community is far larger (and faster) than M$.  Moreover, being composed

Yes, but we don't have the user base they do. If they can build a standard
that we can't implement, because they hide the details behind NDAs or
whatever, what can we do?

I2O or whatever it's called could be a problem for that reason.
IA-64 could have been a problem if Intel wanted it to be, but
it seems that Intel themselves are working on gcc for the IA-64,
which gives us a head start if anything. And Intel seem to be keeping
a safe distance from MS of late, which is good for everyone.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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