> > The problem is a broken X package(s).  There is probably a better
> > solution, but I used an older xbase, the one that is about 2 meg in
> > size (not the newer one in slink) and extracted (*not* by installing)
> > just the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale directory.  This ended the problems
> > with NS.
> My problem was that the locale directory was a sym link to
> /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/X11/locale/, which was most unfortunately empty.
> :)
> I went and grabbed X3323lib.tgz from ftp.xfree86.org and untarred the
> lib/X11/locale directory, and now everything is happy again.
> Alan

        I just tried the latest xlib6g package in slink.  It has the correct
locale directory (its working for me right now).  Those of you who
downloaded an earlier xbase package to install that locale subdir should
upgrade to the latest X11 packages (slink) now.  

Ed C.

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