Date forwarded:         7 Nov 1998 20:59:25 -0000
Subject:                Re: X broken?
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ole J. Tetlie)
Date sent:              07 Nov 1998 21:53:07 +0100
Forwarded by: 

> *-Vaibhav Goel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |
> | Hello;
> | 
> | I updated my hamm to slink yesterday.  Everything seems to work
> | fine except for X.  I get the following error, when I type
> | startx -- -bpp 32
> | 
> | _X11TransConnect: Cant connect: errno=111
> | 
This error often depends on using gpm and X11 together;
however, the mouse support in the textmode area kills
the mouse-support under X, if You are using gpm
please try 
gpm -k and after that 
startx, maybe Your problem is solved

> | My question is, that is X broken in the current slink or did I
> | do something wrong/not install some required packages.  X worked
> | fine before the upgrade.
> It might be a font problem. Try to do 'mkfontdir' in some font dirs, eg.
> /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc
> -- 
> ...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
> and the Ugly).                                       (Matt Welsh)
> -- 
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