
On Fri, Nov 06, 1998 at 04:47:22PM -0600, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
> Hi,
> > My microphone seems to have grown a direct connection to the
> > speakers, even though I'm not running (AFAIK) any mic-using
> > apps!  It's great for impromptu kareoke but really ...
> > 
> Same here.  I think it's a "feature"

I always have a constant sound in the background a kind of clicking or so.
I donnow if this is related.
I don't have a mic. pluged in. This sound also ocures on things like visbell
or disk activity which seems kinda odd.

(no, this is not a joke ...) :-}

Alexander N. Benner  -  1st year grad. physicsstudent and creationist - 
| >  The great unification theory reduces matter to two particles T & V  < |
| >  That stands for the Hebrew words Tohu and Vohu - formless and void. < |
GEN 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  

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