Vincent Murphy wrote:
> > Well, not to rock the boat, but I see more .rpm's that I do .deb's
> > on the net.  I mean, yeah, you can go to to get a
> > whole boatload of packages, but that's about as far as you go.
> I think a lot of rpm's you see out there suck. One of the reasons I dig
> Debian so much is the .deb packages are so great, and because they (generally)
> (un)install themselves really well. The same can't be said of rpm, I think.
> All I know is I was pissed off when I was using .rpms with Redhat, and when I
> started using dpkg on debian, I was very pleased. And still am.
If you think RH is bad at uninstall, you should run in M$ environment
more often, PITA!!!!!!  (I mean dude, why would you want to uninstall
Office? -- M$ Tech Support (not words but attitude))

L8r -- Greg.
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Greg Vence    KH2EA/4

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