Hi all, After running into this same problem, and asking on this list for answers, I think I may be able to give others some help now.
First, what speed are you connecting at? As reported in another post or two, it is easy to make your system save the modem connect speed in its own file. Mine saves each connection speed to a file called /etc/ppp/speed. To do this, using a debian 2.0 system, go to your /etc/chatscripts directory and modify the file for your provider. It will be named, what ever you named it when you ran the pppconfig program. In this example, mine is called cp1. Add "REPORT CONNECT", without the quotes, as the first line in the file. Change the ATZ line to ATW2. While this is not the best, because it needs a reset somewhere, it will do for now. Later we will change the line again. My cp1 file now looks like this; REPORT CONNECT ABORT BUSY ABORT "NO CARRIER" ABORT VOICE ABORT "NO DIALTONE" ABORT "NO ANSWER" "" ATW2 OK ATDT1234567 CONNECT \d\c Now change to the /etc/ppp/peers directory and edit the file, again named as above when you created it. In this file, find the line starting with connect and to the end, but inside the quote mark, add "-r /etc/ppp/speed". My new line looks like this; connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscript/cp1 -r /etc/ppp/speed" #pppconfig_connect Now each time you connect to your ISP with the pon program, i.e. pon xxx, you will be able to check your speed by reading the end of the /etc/ppp/speed file. Next, lets fine tune our modem init strings. I asked, on this list and recv'd one reply, which suggested that I use a program called wvdial. This program can be gotten in deb format from http://www.worldvisions.ca/wvdial. When installed it will run the wvdialconf program. This program will query your modem for the best settings. Not sure how it does it, but it came up with a long string of parameters to be passed to my modem after init. I didn't write down that long string, but it is also written to a file called /etc/wvdial.conf. What you need is the Init2 string. In order to use it, you will need to modify your init file which is stored in the /etc/chatscripts/cp1. My new one now looks like this; REPORT CONNECT ABORT BUSY ABORT "NO CARRIER" ABORT VOICE ABORT "NO DIALTONE" ABORT "NO ANSWER" "" ATZ OK ATQ0 OK ATV1 OK ATE1 OK ATS0=0 OK AT&C1 OK AT&D2 OK ATS11=55 OK AT+FCLASS=0 OK ATW2 OK ATDT1234567 CONNECT \d\c This much longer file resets the modem and then sends each string to the modem, waiting for an OK each time. Now my modem connects and reports a connect speed much faster than I ever got before. I can also see an improvement in download speed when using netscape. Hopefully, this will help many of you tune up your system for a better connection. Any questions, feel free to contact me. Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]