> PS: Why is xbase_3.3.2.3a-6 100K and my old xbase_3.3.2.3a-1 2.1MB?

   With the slink X package underwent a major redesign.  It still 
has a lot
of problems (I've still got one system which has WindowMaker broken <sniff, 

   IMHO, you might want to consider putting the various X packages on hold and 
a bit until things shake out.

 Regards,                | Debian GNU/ __      o http://www.debian.org
 .                       |            / /     _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy                   |           / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |          /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 http://www.golgotha.net | because lockups should only be for convicts.

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