vim does syntax hi lighting quite well. Having never used emacs, I have no idea what you mean by auto indenting.
On 31-Oct-98 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote: > > As I get more and more frustrated with emacs, it keeps occurring to me > that the *only* reason I'm using emacs instead of vi is that it > indents and color-codes my program code. Is there a variant of vi > that can do this? vim claims to hilite syntax, and i think elvis > claims that too, but can either be made to handle indent/exdent > automaticalyy? And to complicate things, thoguh i need c++ at times, > it's Fortran 90 that's most important. > > rick, who'd be happy as a clam in a bucket of beer if he had a classic > vi that would handle multiple buffers and color & indent his programs > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < > /dev/null