Here's a practical problem I encountered when recompiling 3c59x.c 
with kernel source 2.0.34. I followed instructions from Donald 
Becker: 1. install source code in /usr/src
        2. cd /usr/src/linux; make include/linux/version.h 
        3. cp 3c59x.c /usr/src/linux/modules
        4. gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet 
-O6 -c 3c59x.c

First, a whole bunch of include files were missing, so I  downloaded 
kernel-headers-2.0.34. It installs itself in /usr/src/linux-2.0.34.
+ I looked in README of kernel-source and applied the 3 links 
from /usr/include/linux/asm-scsi-idontknowanymore.

Anyway, after that gcc reported 1 file "autoconf.h" was still 
missing. So I simply made some link to the right autoconf.h  (don't 
remember how) and SURPRISE SURPRISE ended up with 3c59x.o 

What in God's name happened ?? Can someone explain me how 
to *correctly* install include files without having to hack around like 
that ? Please mail.

Many thanks in advance,

Marc Fleureck
  Ministry of Agriculture

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