Dear Debian users,

just about two hours ago I succeeded in setting up my ISDN subsystem. :-)
I can start /etc/init.d/isdnutils and interfaces will be created
correctly, which do "dial on demand" and neat stuff like that, so I assume
it is basically working (after a lot of trial and error). :)

The only obvious "error" I get is this one when calling the script:

Starting isdn services : isdnlogline0: Operation not supported by device
 interfacesisdnlog Version 2.99 loaded
(ISDN subsystem with ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS > 16 detected - 2 active channels, 1 
MSN/SI entries)
(Data versions: iprofd=0x04  net_cfg=0x04  /dev/isdninfo=0x01)

What might be causing the "Operation not supported by device" error?
What should I have a look at?

The card is a Teles S0/16.3c1 PnP rev 1.1.

At the moment I can't tell the exact version of the installed isdnutils
package, only that I got it from an Debian mirror out of the unstable
branch 3 or 4 days ago.

Any ideas?


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