
I've installed Debian several times on several machines but got stuck with a
problem on one machine.

Problem is as follows:

I follow all the steps that dinstall suggest me (i.e. Initialize a Linux
Partion, Install device drivers, Conf Network, install etc......). 
When it comes to "Install Base System" dinstall ask me the path of
"base2_0.tgz", I provide it, then it works a while (seems like installation in
progress). But after then it drops back to dinstall menu with
"Next: Install Base system" highlighted. No other "Next" s available.

I manually select "Configure Base System". But at this time it says that
"You have to install Base System to configure." :(

Again I choose "Install Base System" but same thing happens.

At the end I give up and reboot the machine with a boot floopy for the same
partition. It boots and mounts /. However it ends up with blank screen with
a prompt "#"!. Nothing else.

Issuing "ls" displays the directories and files. (bin, usr, home, dev..)
Seems like files are installed. But no configuration is done. (Not a surprise.

Any ideas?


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