On 19-Oct-98 I wrote: > Does anyone know of a package that can take a "bitmapped" > black-and-white image and produce PostScript "outline" code which would > draw the equivalent?
I am most obliged to everyone who responded to the above request. Several people suggested Corel Draw or other commercial software (which does not as yet, it seems, run under LInux). However, I donot propose to go down such roads as yet. Special thanks to Karl Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, joint creator of GNU fontutils, for drawing my attention to this (which seems made for the job). In its original (1992) form, however, this does not compile easily (i.e. for me not at all) under Linux. I am therefore also grateful to Oliver Corff, [EMAIL PROTECTED], for his work in changing it so that it does compile more easily. However, this is for RedHat-5.1, and it still did not compile on my SuSE-5.1. This may have been a glibc problem. Anyway, with a few changes I was able to get Oliver's version to compile. Details are as follows: Get Oliver's version (gnu fontutils-0.6 for Linux) from http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~corff/fontutils/* Untar. If necessary, change GNUmakefile.in to reflect your basic X directories (you will probably find that the default /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, /usr/X11R6/include and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults need no change). Also (and you probably will need to make this change) in two places in GNUmakefile.in replace /usr/local/tex.local by wherever your TeX texmf tree is. Namely, at line 30 I changed texmf_prefix = /usr/local/tex.local to texmf_prefix = /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf" and at line 59 I changed default_tfm_path = /usr/local/tex.local/fonts//:. to default_tfm_path = /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/fonts//:. Finally (and this is where the possible glibc issue arises), in the file lib/fmod.c at and around line 53, I removed everything to do with the line extern int isnan(),finite(); The reason is that math.h, already included, defines these as macros and the compiler treats the above occurrences as cpp macro calls, with unwanted results. After these changes were made, I got a clean compilation. Now I only need to find out how to really use the fontutils! Best wishes to all, Ted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 28-Oct-98 Time: 12:37:22 --------------------------------------------------------------------