On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Dave Swegen wrote: > Is there anyone out there who could enlighten me on the topic of colours > in lynx? IMHO the default colours are dreadful (dark-blue on black, > anyone?). I have rtfm, but to little avail. This is something that has > been bugging me for ages, and I would like to sort it out once and for > all. > Here's how I've changed my /etc/lynx.conf to contain. I haven't figured out what color 3 does.
COLOR:0:black:white COLOR:1:blue:white COLOR:2:yellow:blue COLOR:3:green:white COLOR:4:brightmagenta:white COLOR:5:brightblue:white COLOR:6:brightred:white COLOR:7:magenta:cyan # #0 - Normal text #1 - Link #2 - The Info bar at bottom of page #4 - Bold text #5 - Bold link #6 - Current Link #7 - Searched item # white seems to be a bit gray # Mark