"Helge Hafting" wrote:

> You don't have "." in your path, so files are *not* considered executable
> just because they are in the *current* directory.
> This is a security feature.  (Some user could make a nasty script called
> "ls"  or similiar in his home directoy.  If you try to look at his files
> with ls the nasty script is invoked instead.)
> Ways of solving the problem:
> 1. Create ~/bin and add that to your path. 
>                      This works well and has no security problems.

If some user is capable of putting a fake `ls' in a random directory where
you might trip on it, that user is far more likely to put it in your ~/bin
directory!  (Same privileges are required) 

Just a thought.

Peter Galbraith, research scientist          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
    6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 

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