Hello, I am currently running hamm. Setting up my machine for dial-up to my isp (tcp/ip) was very simple using ppconfig (My sincere thanks to its author).
After setting up everything, as an user I could pon and get connected. I could even type plog and see whether the connection was active or not. After some time, whenever I tried to plog, I got 'Permission denied' message. I tracked it the changed group ownership of /var/log/ppp.log from dip to adm. I reset it. It changed again. Should ppp.log belong to adm or dip? If it is being changed periodically, where can I disable it (if it is advisible)? Thanks, sridhar ***************************************** Sridhar M. A Department of Studies in Physics University of Mysore, Manasagangotri Mysore 570 006, INDIA Tel: +91-821-516133 Fax: +91-821-516133 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ******************************************