> Something strange happened to my Debian system. I can login as an > ordinary user and it works normally but when I login as root, it printed > out the motd on the screen and said that root has been logged in. A > 'who' from another user confirms it. It even told me "no mail for root" > but I don't get the command line prompt # and so I can do nothing as > root. Su'ing from an ordinary user meets with the same failure. A Ctrl-C > will give back the login: prompt. I've used the rescue disk to boot up > and checked the .bash_profile, .bashrc and /etc/passwd files and they > are all OK. > (I upgraded to slink, kernel 2.0.35 from hamm a few days ago.) Your version of sysklogd is? if it is 1.3-29 then you have the bugged up version. download the latest sysklogd (it's been fixed to 1.3-30) from your local mirror then boot single and install it :) It does sound like this is the problem, and this error has been frequently raised in #debian and on the dbian-user mailing lists :)