You can create a directory
in it you unpack the kernel-source-2.0.35.tar.gz
which goes into a subdir /usr/local/src/linux
cd to it
make menuconfig (or xconfig)
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

if you have modules in /usr/src/modules which you want to compile with
this kernel, append modules_image to the line above.
This creates a package kernel-source-2.0.35+custom...deb in 
/usr/local/src which you can install via
dpkg - i /usr/local/src/packagename.deb
then, you'll have a vmlinuz and a vmlinuz.old in /
which point to the different kernels in /boot.
edit /etc/lilo.conf so as to be able to boot from the new and the old
lilo -v -v
and reboot.
| Dr. Remo Badii             | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and     | 5232 Villigen PSI         |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland               |
| badii "at"          | |

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