I had this problem to with an earlier Netscape. I'm using 4.06 right now
(though there is 4.07) and it seems to work okay. By the way, the 4.5
final came out just today. The only time I've ever had Linux *really*
crash hard was with a 4.5 beta and it crashed anyways whenever I did a
lot of rapid fire email deleating.

What I'd *really* like to see is a Netscape that properly supports


Jan Krupa wrote:
> I have installed netscape4.5b2 under debian2.0.
>  When I try to read debian-user mailing list archives
> (e.g. from September, august) first
> time it's O.K. but next times on the same month archives
> netscape just hangs I have to kill it (the archives are very big).
>  When I try to read much smaller archives (e.g. debian-changes,
> September) it's all right.
> I had the same behavior using netscape4.x, but netscape3.x
> reads the archives well.
> Does anybody have any idea  what causes such behavior of netscape ?
>  May be I have configured netscape wrong.
>  My be I some hint what change in preferences?
> Jan Krupa
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