Bek Oberin hat gesagt: // Bek Oberin wrote:

> One of the last remaining annoyances:  I use a modified dvorak
> keyboard layout (ie: not-quite-dvorak, but close) and do most of
> my work in text-mode consoles.  But sometimes I have to boot up
> X to run Netscape or PilotManager.  
> RedHad's X setup had -something- that automatically pulled my
> keyboard layout out of loadkeys and put it into X so I -didn't-
> have to figure out a xmodmap file (which I don't have made
> up) and all that stuff.
> I figure Debian can prob'ly do anything RedHat can do ... is there
> a way for this?

I don't know if debian has this automatized like Redhat somewhere, but you
can use "xkeycaps" to generate a xmodmap file for your layout. 
But maybe you can setup your keyboard with the basic X configuration tool 
/usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup or /usr/sbin/xbase-configure. 
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 Frank Barknecht           ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
                          / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\       
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