On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 10:51:08AM -0500, D'jinnie wrote:
> :  Dell offers such a configuration (about $1500 with a 17" monitor).
> :This is what my OM will probably get.  This machine comes with windows
> :98 and microsoft home office software and a winmodem. If you only want
> :to install linux call them and ask for a quote with NO software, and a
> :REAL modem.  The Dell dimension 333v (celeron) was rated a best buy by
> :PC magazine.
> You can't get a machine from Dell with no software at all. They won't sell
> it without at least Win98. If you don't feel like spending extra $100 or
> whatever 98 costs, you'd be better off "assembling" your own PC - just buy
> everything from the same place, they will usually put it together (esp. if
> you ask).

Win98 costs about $80 a pop in bulk quantities, I think.

If you don't feel like cobbling together a machine from scratch, there
are now a number of VARs who sell pre-built Linux machines.  VA Research
is one:


If you hunt around on the Web, you should be able to turn up a few more.


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