After I upgraded to Debian 2.0 I haven't been unable to compile the
linux kernel and also some other stuff (GIMP and related libraries are
an example)

Here's what I get:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts
make[1]: Entering directory `/scratch/usr/src/linux/scripts'
cat >> ./
./tkparse < ../arch/i386/ >>
make[1]: *** [] Error 139
make[1]: Leaving directory `/scratch/usr/src/linux/scripts'
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2


I have similar results with menuconfig too, which complains about
multiple istances of ncurses:

There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion utility which is
built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an indicator that you
have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not remove the 
old ncurses header file(s) in /usr/include or /usr/include/ncurses.

It is VERY important that you have only one set of ncurses header files
and that those files are properly version matched to the ncurses libraries 
installed on your machine.

You may also need to rebuild lxdialog.  This can be done by moving to
the /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog directory and issuing the 
"make clean all" command.

If you have verified that your ncurses install is correct, you may email
the maintainer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or post a message to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for additional assistance. 

make: *** [menuconfig] Error 139
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # 


I've double checked and the only ncurses in libpath is the one which
come with the debian cdroms

Any hints ?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
       ik5pvx        |
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.1.122 #7 Thu Sep 17 13:56:01 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

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