On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> Are there any utilities for formatting 1.44m floppies in an LS-120 (on
> /dev/hdd)?

Dunno. Ironically, Windows NT SP3 can't format floppies in the LS-120
unless you downgrade ATAPI.SYS back to the SP2 version.

> Also I have a custom kernel, how can I create a boot diskette which
> will boot in the LS-120 drive? (my bios WILL boot a floppy in the
> LS-120 drive, the debian 2.0 boot/rescue disks do work in the
> LS-120...but how were these images created??????)

The boot/rescue disk is just an ordinary floppy, so you can replace the
kernel with you own, in one of several ways. Sounds as if you have a
floppy drive so just use that. Otherwise you might go via any DOS medium
available to linux, and then boot a DOS floppy and complete the move.
You may have to rdev the kernel before you start moving it, though (or
use parameters when you boot).

If you're installing from a machine with an LS-120 and no floppy, it's
easy if you (again) have any DOS medium available where you can put
images of the rescue and drivers disks, and base2_0.tgz .

> If I can get these two questions answered I can 86 my floppy drive and
> use it's interrupt for something usefull (like a second network card,
> or a third serial port)


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  • LS-120 Kenneth Scharf
    • David Wright

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