Hello, I am having problems installing the kernel images and source from the CD-ROM. The reason that I want this section, is due to the fact that the present kernal from the intial install does NOT recongnize the CD-ROM drive, thus I can not add or upgrade any of the packages that reside on it. I have tried copying the necessary parts on to the hard drive and then install in from there, but I can not get it to accept most of the packages with out the errorlevel 1 or 2 coming up.
The system specs are as follows: CPU: Cyrix 5x86 100MHz Bus: PCI Sound card: Sound Blaster Pro (compatible) a220 i5 d1 t4 CDROM: TEAC CD-55 Floppies: 3.5" Hard Drives: 1.2 Gb Bigfoot and 4.0 Gb Western Digital root location: hdc7 (on Western Digital) DEbian Version: 2.0 Controler location: on motherboard Memory: 24 Mb Operating systems on machine: MSDOS 7.0 and Win 95 version A booting method: floppy (3.5") Thanks! ----Craig Kimmer