Had this problem with the Solaris 2.6, I ended up
with the memory timing settings, set them slower.
Just an idea...

Peter Barbera

Michael B. Taylor wrote:
> I have never seen this particular behavior before.  However, strange
> problems during installation from floppys is often attributable to
> corupt floppys.  The rawwrite or dd process usually used to make installation
> floppys from downloaded images does not tolerate bad media very well.
> I suggest remaking your rescue disk on a different floppy.  But first, check
> the floppy for bad sectors by formatting it under dos or whatever, or any
> other method you find convienient.  Even better, use a new floppy, if you
> have one handy, checking it for bad sectors first.
> Hope this helps
> Mike
> On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 02:59:21PM -0500, Alexander Bugeja wrote:
> > I am trying to install Debian from floppy (I have the rescue, driver
> > and 5 base floppies set up) on my AMD K6 machine. However
> > when I try to start the installation, with the rescue disk, the
> > machine just reboots. More specifically, I first get the
> > following messages....
> >
> > Loading root.bin...........
> > Loading Linux...........
> > Uncompressing Linux........
> >
> > .... followed by a string of messages too fast to read, and then
> > the machine reboots all over again, leaving me right where I started.
> >
> --
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                     Of course, there are degrees
of rottenness. "Some bad
                     error messages," Ezzell says,
"are just placeholders that
                     slip through. We've all been
there." Ezzell acknowledges
                     he once wrote a message that
addressed the user as
                     "Dumbkopf" and was mortified
when the dialog made its
                     way into production. Thus, he
sympathized with Orem,
                     Utah-based Viewpoint
DataLabs, which managed to
                     include the following in its
LiveArt install: 

                          Setup is unable to
locate a suitable
                          version of DirectX on
your machine. You will need to install
                          DirectX before you can
use LiveArt98, dumbass!

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