On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 13:38:17 -0800,
Vineet Kumar wrote:
> [1  <text/plain; us-ascii (quoted-printable)>]
> * csj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021219 11:05]:
> > A certain site's javascript afaict has checks to identify whether
> > the browser logging on is NS4 or IE4 or greater. Is there a way
> > to get Mozilla to identify itself as proprietary bro Netscrape?
> > This should be possible because I know Konqueror can do it. Using
> > Konqueror I can proceed much further in this site, but with some
> > difficulty, as the html support is less perfect than Mozilla's.
> Yes.  Download the User-Agent sidebar, and you can make Mozilla
> masquerade as whatever you want it to.
> http://mozilla-evangelism.bclary.com/sidebars/

The following greeted me when I reached the site ;-)

Mozilla Evangelism has moved to

BTW how dangerous security-wise is downloading and installing all
these Mozilla add-ons like themes and sidebars? The only ones I
have installed are those that came with the Debian package.

The installation link appears to be a reference to an html page
containing the actual User-Agent strings:


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