you can use xbase-configure, xf86config, or XF86Setup to reconfig your X.
As far as lilo goes you need to add a lilo paragraph for your msdos
partition...mine looks something like this.
other = /dev/hda1
   label = win98
   table = /dev/hda
then rerun lilo to install the new label.  
When this is done you can hold the shift key on boot to get lilo to stop
and wait for you to do something then type in the label name of the ms-dos
partition.  Or you can hit tab or something to get a list.  
Hope this helps

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Adrian Gudas wrote:

> More questions from the guy who thought he had everything figured out.
> 1. X will not boot. It almost does, but it just exits with the error
> "mouse: fd: Invalid argument" or something like that. Fine, I'll go and
> reconfigure. But how? How can I run the X configure program again? (You
> know, the one that tells you to select your video card etc.)
> 2. How can I configure LILO to give me the option to boot using my DOS
> partition (/dev/hda1)? It would be nice for it to give me a menu...
> Thanks a lot!
> Adrian
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