On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Adrian Gudas wrote:

> Could you clarify another couple things:
> 1. Does fips work with FAT32? I have it, but I've been too scared to use
> it.

I believe the most recent version does.

> 2. How does lilo work? (Any complications I need to know about...?)

I won't add much to what has already been written about this, but I will
point out that once you have installed debian (perhaps using a boot floppy
for the sake of caution) you should find a very informative manual in
/usr/doc/lilo which will explain in very clear detail how the boot process
works and all the different ways you can set up Lilo, depending on what
discs you have, what other OSes are on them etc. I found that a read of
this was very enlightening. There is some further information and examples
in the LILO Mini-HOWTO. This should also be on your Debian system in the
/usr/doc tree; in addition you can get it from a Linux Documentation
Project web site.

[For some the documentation to appear in your Debian installation you will
have to install the relevent packages. For the HOWTOs this is the
doc-linux-text package.]

All the best


Hugh C. Pumphrey, Dept. of -    | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
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