On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Aldinga Library wrote:

> I have a floppy with several text files on it,
> How do you list the filenames and file sizes on the floppy disk.
> How do you copy an individual file from the floppy disk.
> How do you save an individual file to the floppy disk.
> I cant seem to find how to do this.
first you need to mount the floppy (I am asuming it is in vfat format)
   mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /floppy
then to get the list of files on it you can cd to it or just use ls
   cd /floppy;ls
   ls /floppy
for filenames and sizes just change ls for ls -l

to save a file to the disk just cp the file onto the floppy
    cp file.I.want.on.floppy /floppy
Finally, before you remove the floppy from th drive you will need to
ensure that you have no sessions use the directory(either activly or
with it a their current working directory) then use umount
   umount /floppy
then you can take the floppy from the drive.

> The system clock is about two hours incorrect.
> Logged in as root,  I have tried setting the system clock with the date
> command but the system clock goes back to the old time when I reboot.
> How do I set the system clock and make it permanent.
you need to set the actual system clock in the bios this means that at
boot you usually press del during the ram count.

> How do you alter screen and text colors, rather than the standard
> monochrome.
you are probably after ls --color=tty. put this line in your .bashrc
    alias ls="ls --color=tty"
then either logout and login or  just execute the same line at the
command line.


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