On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> This sounds like a really bad idea (aliasing it to rm). Once you get used
> to having it, you become more careless with the rm command; suddenly
> you're using another box where rm is for real and you've lost real work.

This is a fallacy.  (Or maybe Unix geeks aren't as smart as DOS
geeks?)  I set up something of my own and am no more nor less likely
to delete the wrong file.  Despite DOS's undelete, Norton's unerase,
Novell's salvage, and my own version under Linux -- I haven't shot
myself in the foot in eons.  I haven't even had to go to my .trash
directory in a long time.  I only go there occasionally to clean it

Kendall :-)

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