Eugene Sevinian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi All,
> Today a friend of mine gave me a CD with raw binary image of hamm on it.
> MD5 sum is correct. Would it be possible to use this CD as a hamm
> distribution without burning new CD. May be using loopback device or
> something like that? 
> Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Yes, though of course it won't be possible to boot from the CD.
Just do:  (assuming the cd is already mounted under /cdrom, and the
file is "main.raw")
mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /cdrom/main.raw /mnt

Then, assuming this works, the best thing to do is probably to create
a specific directory to mount it on (say /mnt/debiancd - of course,
you need to umount the cd image first) and then place a line like this
is your /etc/fstab:
/cdrom/main.raw  /mnt/debiancd  iso9660  loop,ro,noauto 0 0

Now you can mount it with just "mount /mnt/debiancd".

Then, use dselect's "mountable" access method - I suggest this because
it's faster than the "mounted" method and accessing things through the 
loop device is going to slow things down a bit to begin with.

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