*- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about "Re: X server problems" | *- Stefan Nobis wrote about "Re: X server problems" || Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: || || > Could Braden not simply try Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to a non-X virtual console? || > I'm too new at Linux to know, but I'd at least try it. || || No. If the X-Server isn't configured yet and you start xdm, xdm starts || the X-Server. The Server exits at once and returns control to xdm || which then again tries to start the Server and so on. This happens so || fast that no keystroke will work (i tried this serveral time - no || way). If you have another computer at hand, connectd per TCP/IP you || will be able to kill xdm (after login per telnet). || || The other solution is to boot in single mode (init mode 1), but that || method was described already. || | | This behavior is supposed to be controlled by xresources but does not | seem to work. I looked for a bug report but didn't find one. Hmmm,
I needed to look harder, it is bug #24406. There has been no action or response on it. -- Brian --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes, because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." - unknown Mechanical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED] Purdue University http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis ---------------------------------------------------------------------