Bret Comstock Waldow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-19 08:32:00 -0500]:
> I've been running Redhat 7.3, and I'm trying to install Woody instead.

Welcome!  I hope you find it as enjoyable as we do.

> I have 7 CDs labeled "Woody Binaries v3.0r0 i386" a friend burned for
> me.

Good for a completely offline update.  But if you have a high speed
available then really you only need CD 1 to bootstrap you online.

> I boot on CD 1, and install, use tselect to pick X86, GUI desktop, and a
> few other tasks.  The installation proceeds, reboots, I get a GUI.

> I've been through the install several times, I fill in the name of my
> machine when asked during the install, but it never shows up.

What does hostname say?


The output of the hostname command is the only place I expect the
hostname to "appear".

> There is never a 'hosts' file in /etc, although there are
> 'hosts.allow' and 'hosts.deny' files (apparently set up in response
> to leafnode configuration).

The /etc/hosts file usually contains the hostname for translation to
the IP address and back again.  But it does not set the hostname.  And
it is not required that it be present there.  If you have a network
connection then it can be geting DNS data from the network.  The
reason that the hostname _usually_ appears in /etc/hosts is so that if
the network is offline you still have local networking through the localhost loopback device.

At boot time the /etc/ file reads /etc/hostname and
sets the hostname on the system.  If that is not working then there is
something very basic wrong.  There is no place further to look than
/etc/hostname and /etc/init.d/  Since there are only three
lines of code in that script it is hard to believe it has gone wrong.

When changing the hostname the minimum files to change are these two.


Make sure the local name appears in /etc/hosts so that when or if
networking is offline things still work.


If you are setting a static IP address or changing to or from DHCP
then you need to edit this file.  But I you chose DHCP then you are
good to go and don't need any changes here.


Depending upon your mail installation if you chose postfix (my
recommendation) and also customized it then you _may_ have to change
the hostname in this file too.



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