"William R. McDonough" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> could someone please show me where to access these "home grown scripts"
> I have analog on my web server but it's FreeBSD not Debian...
> I'd love to have my analog show me email and FTP stats.

ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/slink/main/source/web is the
directory you're looking for.  Incidentally, it's 3.0-3, not 3.0.3 -
the difference is that Debian uses a dash to indicate the difference
between packaging versions and upstream versions.  3.0-3 is the third
Debian package built out of analog 3.0, not an improvement to analog
3.0 put out by the analog authors.

The file you probably want from there is analog_3.0-3.diff.gz which
shows you the new stuff debian added to the source of analog; you can
read through the diff and figure out what files you're after.

Alternatively, if you don't feel like sorting the debian specific
stuff out of the .diff.gz file, you can download the analog .deb and
just unpack it on your system.  That's right, you can unpack Debian
.deb files using only standard Unix tools.  (One of the arguments
people sometimes give about why .deb format is superior to .rpm
format) You just:

cd /tmp
mkdir analogdebian
cd analogdebian
ar x /path/to/analog_3.0-3.deb
gunzip data.tar.gz
tar xvf data.tar

And analog is now unpacked for you in subdirectories of
/tmp/analogdebian.  The example scripts are in

The .deb file is available in:

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