Hi all,

I'm having a problem getting my on-the-motherboard sound to work with
16-bit samples.  8 bit works Ok, but 16 bit is silent, which suggests
a DMA conflict or problem.
The card is a SoundBlaster Vibra16 PnP (PnP string is "Creative ViBRA16X
PnP").  The preferred configuration from pnpdump is:

#     ANSI string -->Audio<--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

#     Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#       IRQ 5.
#             High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
 (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#       First DMA channel 1.
#             8 bit DMA only
#             Logical device is not a bus master
#             DMA may execute in count by byte mode
#             DMA may not execute in count by word mode
#             DMA channel speed in compatible mode
 (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
#       Next DMA channel 3.
#             8 bit DMA only
#             Logical device is not a bus master
#             DMA may execute in count by byte mode
#             DMA may not execute in count by word mode
#             DMA channel speed in compatible mode
 (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 3))
        ... IO ports that look fine ...

The weird thing is that there are two 8-bit DMA channels listed here
(as opposed to an 8-bit and a 16-bit channel).  At first I thought this
was pnpdump acting up on me, and I tried to configure the 2nd channel on
DMA 5, 6, and 7 without success.  Then I ran into a mail on the Web from
someone who had this card and got it working (presumably on Win95) after
solving a DMA conflict over channel 3 with the BIOS setup of his lp port.
I had the same setting on my motherboard, but even with it disabled, I
got "bad or missing DMA channel" errors loading sound.o with the second
channel set to 3.

So it appears that I've got a broken chipset that identifies as a SB16 but
supports two 8 bit channels instead of the normal 8/16.  Has anyone got
this working right under Linux?  Does the SoundBlaster driver for 2.0.x
support it?  I don't want to start mucking around in the sound code
without asking a _lot_ of people first.

Please, no "get a real sound card" responses.  It's my work machine, so
either I have sound or I don't. :-)

Mike Touloumtzis

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