Have you asked the ISP how many /etc/passwds (s)he has broken ... After
if, maybe, probably ... you can say anything. Talk as they say this side
of the Atlantic is CHEAP

 On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses
> Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
> since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He
> mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading 
> /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source called
> cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity regarding
> Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source as to how to
> respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months now and
> thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but for the
> documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time and
> attention.           
> --  
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Jonathan Lawson 
Thermal Processes Unit 
Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics 
School of Mechanical Engineering, 
Cranfield  University, 
Cranfield, Bedford. UK.  

                                        'They came forth from unholy darknesses 
                                         and were driven back by the rage of 

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