It sounds as if you did changing over of wtmp and utmp correctly.  I however 
not.  I actually touched wtmp and copied /dev/null to utmp before I rebooted my 
newly install hamm for the first time.  This gave me garbage for last.  So I 
the steps pointed out by the upgrade FAQ, and rebooted for safe measure.  
Last works fine now.

One thing I noted, and I am not sure if this is how it shoul actually work, but 
when I am logged in as root, last has several entries, but when I am logged in 
as a user, it only shows a couple if any at all.

--Jay Barbee

> I have 4 machines running Debian, three of which I have upgraded to 2.0
> (hamm) from 1.3.1 using I have followed the instructions
> contained therein regarding utmp and wtmp, (repeatedly) but my last
> command does not work properly on any of these machines:
>  "last" returns with nothing except "wtmp begins ..." 
> though "who" seems to be ok
> In fact, everything else works great.
> I have noted the posting regarding this problem with the suggestion of
> reinstalling the shellutils package. Does this work? dselect seems to
> indicate that removing this will break my system.   
> I would appreciate any help on this problem
> Thank you.
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> Eric Fain                   DSP/Communications Lab
>                             (303)492-2759
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      University of Colorado, Boulder CO
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