Is it just me, or has anyone else got problems with an eighteen-and-a-half Mb lastlog file appearing on a hamm system within minutes of completing installation? [see: /var/log/lastlog
[ i486DX/100; 16Mb RAM; 800 Mb native partition, 64 Mb swap partition; pukka UK 24th July 1998 official Debian 2.0 CD (i386 binary main) ] Any ideas what this logfile (really) represents? Also: has anyone else found that - 1) emacs20; auctex and w3-el will *not* install properly until tm is blown away? [remove: tm And are either of the above connected in some abstruse way? 2) There is a strong likelihood that if CustomLogs have been chosen in httpd.conf, Apache will *not* start until: either a logs directory has been created by hand for httpd to dump e.g. a [combined] access_log in; or the default locations have been hand-edited by more than just a simple comment-character deletion. (There is an inconsistency in presentation here that is likely to go right over the heads of newbies.) It had me worried for a while -- until I looked at where stuff was going, and decided to send it *all* to /var/log/apache/. All comments appreciated. -- Martin Wheeler - StarTEXT, Glastonbury, Somerset, England - BA6 9PH [EMAIL PROTECTED]