At 05:54 PM 8/17/1998 +0100, you wrote:
>> I really don't know what I'm talking about, but my understanding is that 
>> you need two things different in your XF86Config file.
>> 1) A modeline in the monitor section for the resolution you want to run 
>> (not just 320x200), along with the correct numbers to make it work (I 
>> can't figure out the numbers to get a good display on my machines, but 
>> I'm learnin').
>> 2) A corresponding entry in your Screen section in the Display 
>> subsection. such as:  Modes  "320x200" "800x600" "1024x768"
>> Since your config file only references 320x200 in the Monitor section and 
>> 320x204" in the Display subsection, the best you'll get is 320x20?. I 
>> wouldn't expect you to get anything since the numbers don't match each
>> BTW, the particular Display section in which you need the matching "Modes" 
>> line depends on the X server you're running (the XF86_VGA16 for the VGA16 
>> Display section, XF86_SVGA for SVGA, etc). The server you run is 
>> determined (in Debian but not necessarily in other dists) by the first 
>> line in /etc/X11/Xserver.
>> I hope you have more success with your video than I've had with mine.  
>> Until there's a better way to set up X than this "wrack your brain trial 
>> and error because xf86config and XF86Setup don't work even though 
>> XF86Setup says it did and had a pretty decent screen during 
>> it's gui phase" method, a lot of newcomers to linux will be turned back 
>> to Micro$loth, which I think is a trajedy.
>> Good luck on getting your video working well.
>Thanks very much for all that - it'sshed some light on the whole thing 
>for me. I'm a little wary myself of tinkering directly with the 
>XF86Config file, what with those rumours (unfounded?!?!) of monitors 
>blowing up etc. It is kinda funny the way that XF86Setup seems to get a 
>decent enuf GUI going tho, isn't it? I think I might give the vga server 
>a bash now and work from there.
>Brian Sheehan
>PS in case any one is wondering Brian Sheehan and Roy Ayres are one and 
>the same !! Indeed. It's just that I normally do my mail from college, 
>where I'm working, and at weekends I do it from home. and for some reason 
>I set it in netscape at home so that Roy Ayres goes on the Header..kinda 
>like that name. But then at home I have a couple of email accounts that I 
>use, most with different names (to suit my mood ya see) so I often post 
>from the wrong one and no-one knows who i am . But anyway.

BTW: There may be a better way to find out what resolution you're running
once you're in X, but the only way I've found so far is to run xvidtune;
it'll tell you at the top what res you're in.
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