On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Huang Yan wrote:

> I've just downloaded and installed Debian, the following problems were 
> encountered:
> 1. My PC have 2 harddisks and 1 CD-ROM:
>    Primary IDE Master:                4.3G (hda), LBA MODE
>    Primary IDE Slave:                 NONE
>    Secondary IDE Master:      SONY CD-ROM(CDU611)
>    Secondary IDE Slave:               2.1G (hdd), LBA MODE
> I installed Windows95 osr2 on hda first and then installed Debian on hdd from
What happens if you try to boot Linux? Does LILO prints out a message
(like LI or such)? Have you tried to set your CMOS setup to AUTO MODE?

> 2. What's the difference between primary partition and logical partition in 
> Linux?  Which should I select when I partition my harddisk for Debian?
It has the same meaning as in Mess-Dos. A primary partition can be divided
into several logical partitions. Thats why there can only be 4 primary


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