On 13-Aug-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> John sends:
> As you can see, I'm NOT very NET literate. Work uses WindowsNT and most of
> the info is restricted to Administrator access, which I don't have. I
> should be able to use the IP address you have given me though to get
> connected. Is there anything else I would need to know to make the
> connection work? I used a DOS window to ftp to the address and logged in as
> anonymous, but I can't seem to be able to use any of the ftp commands like
> dir, ls . . . I keep getting
>  'Can't build data connection: Connection timed out.'
> I haven't tried this from the Linux PC yet, I want to be sure I know what
> I'm doing before I connect incase someone gets suspicious.
> Thanks again for the help. This list seems to be the best I have found for
> getting help, and I've been on many lists for many things!

John, it sounds like you might be behind a SOCKS server or other type of
firewall that is limiting what you can get to.  One thing you might want to
try, is to simply load Netscape/Internet Explorer, and give it the URL
ftp://<site> as in some cases, a network is simply using a PROXY server to
allow normal access to the Internet which will only work through a Web Browser
(i.e. Apache Proxy Server)

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Jeff Hurst
Date: 13-Aug-98
Time: 02:20:37

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