> i went overboard with dselect and threw everything in there
Oops. ... :)

> now nothing runs
> system halts at startup
What's it say?

> what would be a quick and easy way to just delete some files that i don't
> need?
Well,  I would try making a boot disk (the rescue disk should help you do
this) and booting it.  Then do "dpkg -l" to list the stuff you've got
installed and pick some packages you want to get rid of.  Then you can
"dpkg --purge <packagename>" for each package you're uninstalling.

> i am reading some basic dos to linux faqs so i should be able to do it
> myself but any help from you linux gurus would be appreciated
You can just delete the files by booting the rescue disk,  mounting your
linux drive (probably on /mnt or /target) and then deleting them with
"rm",  but this'll confuse dpkg if you delete the wrong stuff.


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
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|            And if you on tight to what you think is your thing         |
|                you may find you're missing all the rest ...            |
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