Try the "mountable" option in dselect (see package dpkg-mountable). It keeps a transcript (in /var somewhere? check the docs). Also don't be confused: each of the options (CD-ROM, mounted, mountable, nfs, etc.) is like a separate program and only bears vague relation to the location of the Debian packages and how they're to be accessed. The mountable option can do mounted file systems, CD-ROMs, etc., and in my opinion, it's a whole lot better because it does not go through EVERY package every time you load something. Also, it loaded from non-free and contrib directories off my hard disk, where the "mounted" option would not.
>>>>> "Cristov" == Cristov Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Cristov> Hello everyone. Cristov> Recently I read somewhere (possibly on this list) that there is a way Cristov> to capture what was done during dselect using something like Cristov> /.../script but they did not go into much detail. Could someone Cristov> explain to me how to do this?