I just removed some of the old buzz/rex packages, base, timezone, bdflush.
I did it in dselect, and apt quite happily obliged.

After that, I had neither timezone NOR timezones installed (don't know why),
and removing base removed /usr/local (a symlink luckily, I've been bitten
before), most of /dev, etc. Not nice at all. Surely there is something
we can do to prevent this? I'm not unannoyed.

Also /dev/MAKEDEV has a group `tty', but running "/dev/MAKEDEV tty"
will only create /dev/tty, and not the rest (tty1..tty8). /dev/MAKEDEV
will not make /dev/console, and finally MAKEDEV is inconsistent;
asking for hd will create only hdaN and hdbN (not hdcN or hddN), while
creating sd will create all the way up to sdp.

Hamish (about to play russian roulette by rebooting)
Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
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