Sorry to trouble you with this question but, I am besides myself with this one. I drew a few 10's of pictures in M$ PowerPoint a while ago and now I want to incorporate them into my Latex document ... What could be simpler? I then printed the slides (one at a time) to files, used the M$-NT version of ghostview (GV) to convert them to EPS (the original printouts didn't seem to be very compatible with the GV on the UNIX workstations. The resulting images could be read by UNIX GV but would show up when I tried to incoporate them into my {\LaTeX} document, try as I might (epsfig, psfig, includefigure ..). I finally realised that by comemmenting out the line at the bottom of the file that read 'PageSV restore ' I could get the images to display in {\LaTeX} but could not rotate them. After a bit of fiddling about, I discovered that the line '90 rotate 0 -419.527 translate' Also had to be commented out to get the images to rotate. Needless to say the results are a bit of a sham.
Does anyone know of any program/method to convert M$ PowerPoint slides to decent ps or eps files Thanking and waiting on you Regards -- Jonathan Lawson Thermal Processes Unit Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford. UK. email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'They came forth from unholy darknesses ... and were driven back by the rage of Angels'