Hello all, I am working from the Master CD binary-i386 Debian 2.0 CD. I am starting to up grade my first system via the cd_autoup.sh.
After mounting the cd to /cdrom and going to /cdrom/upgrade I notice that cd_autoup.sh is not an executable. I copied the script to /root and did a chmod u+x on it. now make my working directory /cdrom/upgrade and run /root/cd_autoup.sh. I get the folloring error: --- Script started on Tue Aug 4 11:04:53 1998 [torch] [~] [root]# cd /cdrom/upgrade/ [torch] [/cdrom/upgrade] [root]# /root/cd_autoup.sh ldso_1.9.9-1.deb libc5_5.4.38-1.1.deb libc6_2.0.7t-1.deb timezones_2.0.7t- 1.deblocales_2.0.7t-1.deb ncurses3.0_1.9.9e-2.1.deb ncurses3.4_1.9.9g- 8.8.deb libreadline2_2.1-10.1.deb libreadlineg2_2.1-10.1.deb bash_2.01.1- 3.1.deblibg++27_2.7.2.1-14.4.deb libg++272_2.7.2.8-0.1.deb libstdc++2.8_*.deb Can't find ../debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/libs/libstdc++2.8_*.deb! aborting upgrade. --- It is true my official cd does not have: /debian/hamm/hamm/binary- i386/libs/libstdc++2.8_*.deb ...Did something go ape with my burn of the Official CD. I did burn it via a NT system, but thought the iso image would be fine? Did I script up the install already?! --Jay -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null