On Tue, Jul 28, 1998 at 10:55:54AM -0700, Justin Liu wrote:
>                                                                 Are
> multifunction devices worth it, or should I get separate scanner/fax/copiers?
> Thanks,
> - justin

I think separate devices will be much easier for you to get working with
linux. I had an HP OJ 350. It worked pretty well as a fax, but I never
tried connecting a computer to it. I tried the new laserjet combo that
is based on the 6L printer. The HP sales rep (who just happened to be in
the store that day) said it would work with unix 6L drivers. Wrong. It's
a winprinter. The fax and copy were much nicer than the inkjet machines,
but I already had a 4L printer, so I really couldn't justify keeping it
unless I could replace my old printer. I've got a xerox 450c now. Xerox
software tech support said that they don't support unix, but the 450c
would work with hp550c drivers. I tried one afternoon but couldn't get
it working. I liked the control panel (on the unit, nothing to do with
windows) better on the hp systems.

Check out the linux driver for hp officejet webpage
<http://hpoj.bst.tj/> to see what they've come up with lately.

I'd like an automatic document feeder as well as flatbed scanner/copier
capability. I think the hp1175 has these features, but I don't know
about drivers yet. I'm starting to think it might be better to have
a separate fax/modem, laser printer, scanner(any affordable flatbed
scanners with feeders?), and possibly a color inkjet printer. Add a
combination keypad/LCD display attached to a serial port (and some
software) and you have your own multifunction device.

Lee Bradshaw                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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