count zero a écrit:
> Frock wrote:
> >
> > This is a general problem with windows95/98, because the OS doesn't allow
> > more than 4 (four!!) network connections!!
> >
> > Why is this ??    Why do ppl have to suffer from this stupid limitation ??
> > I never understood that. Maybe someone can explain it to me ?
> >
> > /Frock
> >
> maybe ppl are masochists :-)) or maybe they ever haven't tried linux :-))))
> --


Maybe I'm a special case but...

I downloaded the WHOLE hamm binaries in only 4 (litterally : FOUR) FTP
sessions under Win 95. Of course, I didn't use the built-in TCP/IP
stack, nor Internet Exploder...

Q : Why under Win95 ?
A : WinModem...


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-"Since I have dual boot, Win95 has become much more stable"
-"That's what YOU think. In reality since, sometimes you happen to
  shutdown Lose95 before the GPF does it for you..."

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