On Wed, Jul 22, 1998 at 12:32:54PM +0100, C.J.LAWSON wrote: > Hi, > I have just got the new version of emacs (which I have never used > before) and would like to enable colour highlighting of my C \& tex > screens. Please could someone in the know aquaint me with the proceedure > for this or to where in the documentation I can find out about this. > > Thanks and regards
When you run emacs under x, you can probably just get away with pressing the "Esc" key, then the "x" key, then typing "font-lock-mode" and hitting enter... I have the following two lines in my ~/.emacs file, so that font-lock-mode is always used, and emacs uses the most colors possible: (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t) (global-font-lock-mode t) If only there was a way to colorize stuff in the console... Good luck! -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null